Dan odprtih vrat

Open door 2024

26. Dan odprtih vrat

ogled vrta

8. in 9 junij 2024

od  08.00 - 18.00 ure

Ogled vrta in rastlin

Tudi letos odpirajo svoja vrata vrtova v Šentjurju in okolici.

Vrtovi bodo odprti  drugo soboto in nedeljo v mesecu juniju

Rifnik vrt&rastline  v Jakobu 7 b Šentjur  pa najlažje najdete tako, da se držite kažipotov Arheološko nahajališče  RIFNIK in cesta vas bo pripeljala naravnost do nas. Izlet lahko združite z prijetnim ogledom Arheološkega  nahajališča  RIFNIK, ki leži le slab 1 km od vrta.

Vrt v strmini najdete v kraju Slivnica. Skozi Šentjur zavijete na cesto za Kozje. Ko prevozite kraj Gorica pri Slivnici po cca 1,5 km vas kažipot  usmeri desno proti Slivnici.

26. Open day

 a garden tour 

8 and 9 June 2024 

from 08:00 - 18:00

Garden and plant tour 

Gardens in Šentjur and its surroundings are opening their


The gardens will be open on the second Saturday and Sunday in June

Rifnik garden & plants in Jakob 7 b Šentjur  The easiest way to find is to

 follow the signposts to the RIFNIK Archaeological Site and the road will take

 you straight to us. You can combine the trip with a pleasant visit to the

RIFNIK  Archaeological Site, which lies just under 1 km from the garden.


The garden on the slope can be found in Slivnica. Through Šentjur, turn

onto the road to Kozje. When you drive through Gorica near Slivnica, after

 about 1.5 km, the signpost directs you to the right towards Slivnica.

Vrt Rifnik organizira svoje Dneve odprtih vrat od leta 1998. Prvi dan odprtih vrat smo imeli daljnega leta 1998.

 Osnovno vodilo, ki nas je vodilo in nas vodi še sedaj je, da lahko ljudje spoznajo rastline in se družijo med sabo. Datum, ki se od samega začetka ni spremenil je druga sobota in nedelja v mesecu juniju. 

Rifnik Garden& plants  has been organizing its Open Days since 1998. We had our first Open Day back in 1998. 

The basic guideline that guided us and still guides us is that people can get to know plants and socialize with each other. The date that has not changed since the beginning is the second Saturday and Sunday in June. 

    V vseh teh letih je na ta dan obiskalo  vrt veliko obiskovalcev. Nekateri se vračajo vsako leto, drugi se oglasijo na nekaj let.                                                                          

 Srečanja z istomislečimi, klepet o rastlinah in zasaditvah in sproščen pogovor o vsem v objemu  vrta so razlogi za obisk.

Over the years, many visitors have visited the garden on this day. Some come back every year, others come for a few years. Meetings with like-minded people, chatting about plants and plantings and relaxed conversation about everything in the embrace of the garden are reasons to visit.